Copter AB primarily designs, manufactures, and packages screen protectors for phones, tablets, watches, computers, etc. They mainly sell to distributors, retailers, and online merchants, but they also serve private customers through their website.
Company: Copter AB
Business: Design, production, and distribution of screen protectors for mobile phones, tablets, watches, and computers.
Why did you choose Ongoing WMS? “Our former sister company was contacted by Dialect (now Evolvit), which was also represented on our parent company’s board. We had a custom-built, web-based service that we felt was missing quite a lot, and we also weren’t getting the support we needed.”
How Ongoing WMS is used: “We manage our entire inventory balance, warehouse locations, etc. We complete orders and send them to customers and book transport. We create production orders in Ongoing, pick and complete them. We produce consumer products that consist of structured items, and here we received a fantastic function that was developed especially for us. We also supplement our purchase orders and customer orders in Fortnox at the line-item level if there are different delivery dates at that level.”
Key Benefits: “Safe and stable. We’ve been able to add the properties to our items that we’ve long requested but couldn’t implement in Fortnox.”
Collaboration with Ongoing: “The collaboration has worked well—our account manager and the team at Ongoing have solved most issues quickly and shown a great understanding of our requests.”
Onboarding process: “We got help from Evolvit in Skövde, who are experts in Ongoing WMS, and we are happy about that because we got up and running quickly.”
Other comments: “We feel we have a much better solution today than we had before Ongoing WMS. It’s more stable, has more possibilities, and is significantly faster than before.”
Contact: Peter Malm, COO/Deputy CEO