Terms of Service

Terms of Service for the use of Ongoing WMS

1 Introduction

Ongoing Warehouse AB ("Ongoing") is a software service provider based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Our key offering, Ongoing WMS, is a software service designed to streamline warehouse operations. Ongoing’s services are exclusively targeted towards other businesses. This page describes the Terms of Service between you as a customer and Ongoing.

2 The service Ongoing WMS

Ongoing WMS is a fully web-based warehouse management system that are used by logistics-intensive companies. Such companies are often third-party logistics providers (3PL) or any company running their own warehouse with high demands on effective logistics operations, for example companies within e-commerce. Key features of the service are scanning, batch picking of orders, automatic label printing and high connectability to other IT systems. Ongoing WMS is known for its ease of use and that you can get started quickly. Ongoing WMS is continously updated without cumbersome installations since it is directly available in the web browser.

The service is available by paying a monthly fee per user of the service. Full pricelist can be found here. Ongoing will invoice their customers monthly, for paid users accessing the service as well as for any support services charged by the hour for Ongoing personnel.

The service Ongoing WMS is being delivered with the aim of being always being available and online.

3 Becoming a customer to Ongoing

When becoming a customer to Ongoing, you accept our ”Contract for use of Ongoing WMS”, which contains several appendices, listed below in section appendices. In the sales process with Ongoing, the full disclosure of ”Contract for use of Ongoing WMS” is always made available to you. Acceptance of these terms is required to become an Ongoing customer.

3.1 Appendices

The following appendices exist to the ”Contract for use of Ongoing WMS”:

  • If customer to Ongoing will act as a processor of personal data: Cloud Services – Special Terms and Conditions for the Processing of Personal Data
  • If customer to Ongoing will act as a sub-processor of personal data: Ongoing Warehouse Special Terms and Conditions for the Processing of Personal Data as Sub-Processor
  • Specification of the Processing of Personal Data in conjunction with Cloud Services and IT Infrastructure Services
  • Cloud Services – General terms and conditions
  • Information security exhibit
  • Service and Support
  • Basic Principles of Business Ethics
These are available upon request at contact@ongoingwarehouse.com

4 Being a warehouse customer to a company that uses Ongoing WMS

Ongoing WMS has the possibility to create free-of-charge logins to persons that may have an interest in overseeing parts of the logistics that Ongoing WMS handles. In the case where you are a customer to a logistics partner (3PL) that uses Ongoing WMS and obtain a login to the service, you are bound by the agreements with you and your 3PL; there is no agreement between you and Ongoing. For information regarding your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy.

5 Service availability

When becoming a customer to Ongoing, you will be appointed a customer-oriented engineer whose help you can use to configure and set up the service according to your needs. You will receive direct email adress and phone number to your engineer at Ongoing. Ongoing charge for support, pricing can be found here. We make a strong effort to make sure you always have the same contact person at Ongoing. Our support hours are 08-17 CET on weekdays, with extended support hours until 21 on Mondays through Thursdays. Exceptions may occur.

6 Termination of usage

It is possible to cancel the service at any time, coming into effect at the end of the month, with a 3-month notice of 1 (one) user. Data is removed no later than 180 days after cancellation of the service.

If an invoice to Ongoing is not paid, a warning is issued and if the due amount is not paid in full on the next invoice, Ongoing will revoke access to the service until the invoices are fully paid.

7 Data security

Data security is a topic that Ongoing takes very seriously. There are many measures in place to make sure that your data is secure inside of Ongoing WMS. At trust.ongoingwarehouse.com you can read about what measures Ongoing takes to protect your data. There you will also find a list of sub-processors for the delivery of the service Ongoing WMS, as well as where data is stored. 

For specific details, please request the appendix ”Information security exhibit”.

For personal data that Ongoing store, please see our Privacy Policy.

8 Amendments and contact information

Ongoing may modify the Terms of Service on this page. As an Ongoing Customer, you will be notified by email about any changes affecting your agreements. For any inquiries please contact us at:
Email: contact@ongoingwarehouse.com
Phone: +46317093070
Address: Sven Hultins plats 5, 412 58 Göteborg, Sweden