🇸🇪 Galvin Green: "Our logistic operations are almost paperless"

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Galvin Green is an apparel company that specializes in high-quality golf clothing and accessories. Headquartered in Växjö, Sweden, they sell their products online and at golf clubs around the world.

Company: Galvin Green, Sweden

Activities:  E-commerce & distribution of golf clothing

How Ongoing WMS is used: "Ongoing WMS is mainly used for picking and packing as well as inbound and outbound deliveries. We use scanning and hand computers for all types of picking and packing, which has reduced the manual work."

Greatest benefits: "Ongoing WMS is very efficient, and simple and has been adaptable to our specific needs. The support is very competent and solves all our challenges. The system has resulted in us increasing our efficiency a lot, and our logistic operations are almost paperless today thanks to Ongoing WMS. It is very easy to integrate the WMS with many different systems that both we and our customers use."

Contact: William Bolmö, Warehouse Manager

Published: 2023-03-30