Kährs (SE): "We have reduced our manual handling between sales and warehouse management as much now happens automatically"

Kährs flooring

Kährs has been working with wood for over 160 years and is today one of the oldest and most innovative manufacturer of parquet flooring in the world. Kährs' long history is lined with a number of innovations that have shaped the entire global wood flooring industry - from the invention of engineered wood flooring to the glue-free Woodloc® joint. They now supply flooring to over 70 countries, are market leaders in Sweden and Finland, and have a strong position in Norway, the UK, and Germany.

Company: Kährs

Activities: Development, manufacturing, and distribution of parquet flooring

How Ongoing WMS is used: "Since our old system was developed over the years for easy use in the warehouse, we have largely tried to incorporate that structure into Ongoing as well. For example, we don't work with as much picking of individual items, but rather with large orders on each truck, sometimes up to 30-40 tons per truck, so we have adjusted Ongoing to rather work in picking orders per truck than customer by customer. When we were in the implementation process, we started with about 60-70 small changes in the system, so a lot has happened in only a year. Our customer-responsible Tianfu Yun has been of great help with quick and smooth solutions to our development proposals. We still have a little work to do, adjust and automate to make it even better, but Tianfu and Tommy [Liljebjörn, Application Expert at Kährs] are working on it, so we'll soon be there."

Greatest benefits: "We have experienced the following benefits:

  • Integration with other departments and systems. There we have reduced the manual handling between sales and the warehouse, as much is now done automatically.
  • Overview and traceability for us in the office. We now have much better control over orders and can also go back in time and check what happened in certain situations.
  • In the picking process, we have also been able to skip orders on paper, now everything is done on the computer. Where it used to require two people, one to pick and shoot out orders, and one to book orders, now one person can do everything. We also experience increased efficiency overall in our truck driving.
  • Receiving incoming products has also become easier for us in the office. There has also been an improvement when we have to store goods we now can move multiple pallets at once, something we could not do before."

Contact: Christofher Nordström, Warehouse Teamleader Nybro

Published: 2023-05-08