
Logpart Elevate Customer Value with Ongoing WMS in Third-Party Logistics

Logpart uses Ongoing WMS

With the help of Ongoing WMS, Logpart has been able to scale its operations effectively and enhance customer satisfaction through quicker delivery times and custom solutions.

Logpart, a Sweden-based third-party logistics provider (3PL), sticks out with customized solutions emphasizing customer value. Recognized as the slightly smaller, customer-oriented, and complete provider of warehousing, picking, packing, and logistics, Logpart has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking efficient and tailored logistics solutions. A significant part of their success is attributed to the integration of Ongoing WMS into their operations.

Why Go with Ongoing WMS?

Niklas Augustinsson, IT Manager at Logpart, explains the decision to implement Ongoing WMS: "We wanted a smooth and simple system that suited our operations. We felt that Ongoing could really meet our requirements and wishes."

Ongoing WMS stood out to Logpart as the ideal solution due to its simplicity and alignment with the company’s operational needs. The decision to integrate Ongoing WMS has proven to be a strategic move, enhancing Logpart’s capability to deliver great logistics services.

A Complete Warehouse Management System

Ongoing WMS is integral to Logpart's daily operations, managing all aspects of order flow. Augustinsson elaborates: "Ongoing WMS is used daily for most things related to our operation. We manage all our customers' order flows via Ongoing WMS, both inbound and outbound deliveries. We have integrated all our customers, our shipping platform, and even some other systems to Ongoing WMS to achieve a solution as smooth as possible."

The seamless integration of Ongoing WMS with various systems and platforms ensures that Logpart can provide a streamlined and efficient service to its customers, handling both inbound and outbound deliveries with precision.

Streamlined Processes & Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

The implementation of Ongoing WMS has brought significant advantages to Logpart, particularly in terms of warehouse management and operational efficiency. Augustinsson highlights the key benefits: "We have seen clear improvements in our warehouse management and efficiency, much thanks to Ongoing's excellent support and customizable system with support for multiple automated processes and a wide range of integrations. This has enabled us to handle larger volumes, streamline our processes, and improve the customer experience with faster deliveries."

The customizable nature of Ongoing WMS, along with its ability to support automated processes, has enabled Logpart to scale its operations effectively and enhance customer satisfaction through quicker delivery times.

Effective Collaboration with Personalized Support

The partnership between Logpart and Ongoing has been characterized by effective communication and prompt support. Augustinsson concisely describes the collaborative experience as: "Great! We always receive quick responses and suggestions for solutions."

Mattias Johnsson, Logpart's customer-responsible software engineer and primary contact at Ongoing adds his words to the collaboration: "Niklas is excellent and pleasant to work with. His communication is always clear and concise, making our collaboration very smooth and efficient."

Continuous Growth Ahead

As Logpart continues to grow and develop in the logistics sector, the integration of Ongoing WMS remains an important component of its strategy. The ability to offer customized, efficient, and customer-focused logistics solutions positions Logpart as a complete 3PL provider in Sweden – and with a scalable WMS, Logpart has plenty of room to grow and evolve further.

Published: 2024-06-05

Link Logistics use Ongoing WMS.

Link Logistics Pioneer in Third-Party Logistics with Ongoing WMS

The partnership between Danish 3PL Link Logistics and Ongoing has driven their growth from primarily transportation services into the storage sector, solidifying their market-leading position by offering a wider service range to their customers.

Founded in 2002, Link Logistics has become a leader in the logistics industry with a mission to simplify, optimize, and innovate responsible logistics solutions. Based in Denmark, Link Logistics has set new standards in the third-party logistics sector by delivering tailor-made services for high-value B2B and B2C companies. The company’s commitment to eco-friendly practices and innovative solutions, supported by the powerful warehouse management system Ongoing WMS, has solidified its reputation as a market leader.

Seamless Integrations and Quick Onboarding

Peter Jensen, Head of Global Operations at Link Logistics, shares the strategic decision behind choosing Ongoing WMS:

"At first, we were scouting for a system that could support us in helping a Danish customer selling advanced robotics solutions. The requirements of the system were quite many; for example, there had to be full support for handling and tracking parts with serial numbers. We also had some custom requirements that we could solve ourselves due to Ongoing’s open APIs. With that said, Ongoing was a perfect fit for this initial customer of ours. We also realized that we could utilize Ongoing's many readymade integrations with other systems, thus being able to onboard new customers very quickly and at a low cost."

The flexibility of Ongoing WMS has become essential for Link Logistics. The system’s pre-built integrations with other systems have enabled quick and cost-effective onboarding of new customers, enhancing operational efficiency.

Tailored Logistics for Diverse Customers

Link Logistics employs Ongoing WMS as the backbone of its warehouse management for all their customers in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and United States. The system’s high degree of customization allows Link Logistics to tailor logistics flows to the unique needs of each client. Jensen explains:

"We use Ongoing as the warehouse management system for all of our customers in our daily operations. With its high degree of customization possibilities, we can have different logistics flows for different customers. We often use different scanning flows for different customers, for example. Moreover, with the invoicing functionality that Ongoing has, we can set up pricelists for our customers and at the end of each month, charge them correctly."

This level of customization and efficiency has allowed Link Logistics to provide bespoke solutions that meet diverse client needs.

Strategic Growth Through WMS Adoption

Adopting Ongoing WMS marked a distinct shift for Link Logistics. Initially focused on transportation, the company has successfully expanded into the storage domain, leveraging Ongoing’s capabilities to tap into new business verticals. The strategic use of Ongoing WMS has enabled Link Logistics to enhance its service offerings, driving growth and setting new industry benchmarks. Jensen highlights this transformation:

"When we chose Ongoing, our primary focus had always been on courier services. However, with Ongoing's support, we were better equipped to enter the storage sector. This expansion allowed us to quickly capitalize on a new business vertical, establishing ourselves as one of the most innovative logistics partners in the e-commerce space."

Personalized Support and Customized Solutions

The collaboration between Link Logistics and Ongoing has been remarkably productive. Jensen elaborates on the partnership:

"It has been great. Our super user of Ongoing WMS has worked with Hanna Skytt and received help with customizations for scannings, setting up advanced pricelists, and building an integration between Ongoing and our own 'Link Logistics Transportation Service', which we will start offering to Ongoing customers without a transport administration layer in between."

Hanna Skytt also adds her own words about the collaboration:

"The collaboration is working fantastic! Having a primary contact at Link Logistics who compiles questions and requests makes it easy to get a good overview and makes it possible to develop solutions together that can be used not only in special cases but throughout the entire system."

Innovation and Expansion on the Horizon

Looking ahead, Link Logistics aims to further improve their services by embracing new technologies and sustainable practices while providing efficient and reliable logistics solutions. The company's commitment to offering market-leading, customized logistics solutions and maintaining eco-friendly practices has established them as a preferred partner in the industry. With Ongoing WMS, Link Logistics can continue delivering tailored solutions that meet their customers' unique needs. The seamless integration and customization options offered by Ongoing have streamlined operations, fostering innovation and expansion.

Published: 2024-06-10

Ongoing WMS is directly integrated with DB Schenker Sweden.

DB Schenker Sweden now directly integrated with Ongoing WMS

Ongoing WMS has expanded its shipping capabilities by directly integrating with DB Schenker Sweden, offering a more cost-effective solution for 3PLs and eCommerce businesses.

We are excited to share that our direct integrations with Bring and PostNord are now accompanied by a new direct integration with DB Schenker Sweden, here to simplify the booking process and reduce costs for third-party logistics providers and eCommerce businesses. Book your shipments directly through Ongoing WMS at the very low cost of just €0.03 per shipment.

Here is what to expect:

  • Direct Booking: Effortlessly book your shipments within our system.
  • Flexible Label Options: Choose between ZPL or PDF formats for your shipping labels.
  • Automated Printing: Utilize our integrated printing service to get labels ready in no time.
  • Seamless Tracking: Receive tracking numbers and links directly, ensuring a seamless tracking experience from the WMS interface.

Want to learn how this can benefit your operations? Go to our Documentation Center.

Published: 2024-05-23

Minicars uses Ongoing WMS.

Minicars Take Lead in Radio-Controlled Hobby Distribution with Ongoing WMS

Minicars is one of Europe’s leading B2B distributors of radio-controlled hobby products with warehouses in Sweden and Germany. To support their continuous growth, they strategically implemented Ongoing WMS.

Minicars, one of Europe's leading distributors of radio-controlled hobby products, has been a cornerstone in the radio-controlled hobbyist community since 1968. With headquarters and warehouse facilities in Enköping, Sweden, and an additional service center and warehouse in Germany, Minicars is a purely B2B enterprise selling exclusively to retailers. Their expansive product range includes everything from radio-controlled cars, airplanes, boats, and drones to a comprehensive selection of spare parts and accessories. As Minicars continues to grow and evolve, they have found a reliable partner in Ongoing WMS, a warehouse management system that has become integral to their operations.

The Strategic Choice of WMS

For Minicars, the choice of a warehouse management system was essential. Olof Svedbom, CIO of Minicars, elaborates, "We needed a warehouse management system that we can grow with and has ready-made integrations with Weland AB's vertical storage lifts, our ERP system, and nShift. We also value Ongoing's business model and support system, which are very efficient and good. We hoped that Ongoing would help us scale up our business, and a few years later, we can only conclude that without Ongoing, it would have been very difficult to grow as much as we have."

A Collaboration with Numerous Benefits

Ongoing WMS has seamlessly integrated into every aspect of Minicars' warehouse operations. Svedbom explains, "We use Ongoing WMS for everything related to the physical warehouse. That is, inbound deliveries, outbound deliveries, inventories, picking, and packing. In addition, we can create customs reports and documentation for packaging reporting, etc. We have about 17,000 active items and four vertical storage lifts."

The collaboration with Ongoing has provided Minicars with numerous benefits, the most notable being exceptional support. "Superb support! It's easy to get caught up in system specifications when choosing a system supplier, but the long-term partnership and personal chemistry are just as important. Together with Ongoing, we have gone from a warehouse working at its breaking point to one that can handle double the volume compared to before with the same number of employees," says Svedbom.

Personalized and Dedicated Support

As Svedbom explained, a crucial element of this successful partnership is the personalized support from Ongoing's team. "We are very grateful to have Tianfu Yun as our contact person. He knows Ongoing WMS very well and has a great ability to understand and help solve the problems we have had during the implementation process and afterwards," Svedbom adds.

Tianfu Yun also shared his positive experiences, "The collaboration with Minicars has been excellent. A significant reason for this is Olof Svedbom's openness to new solutions. The company is generally forward-thinking and consistently seeks ways to improve. This mindset has made working with Minicars enjoyable."

The Impact of a Well-chosen WMS

The partnership has enabled Minicars to scale their operations efficiently and continue their legacy as a leader in the RC hobby product distribution industry, showcasing the impact of a well-chosen WMS. As they look to the future, Minicars remains confident in their collaboration with Ongoing. "Overall, we are very satisfied with Ongoing and highly recommend other companies in similar situations to explore collaboration opportunities," Svedbom concludes.

Published: 2024-05-22

Ongoing's revenue and EBIT in 2023.

2023 Marks Another Record-Breaking Year for Ongoing with a 25% Organic Growth

Ongoing experienced a 25% organic growth compared to the previous year and reached a turnover of 127 million SEK.

In 2023, Ongoing achieved another record year, experiencing a 25% organic growth compared to the previous year. The numbers are now official, showing that Ongoing has reached a turnover of 127 million SEK. This marks another record-breaking year for Ongoing's software Ongoing WMS and its related services.

CEO's Insight on Market Dynamics and Expansion

Although overall growth has slowed slightly due to an economic downturn and inflationary pressures on companies, investments, and capital, team Ongoing stays strong in the market for warehouse management systems. CEO Fredrik Einarsson shares his thoughts:

“Ongoing has continued to grow in the market for cloud-based warehouse systems despite a much tougher market climate over the year. The position in the Nordic market has been further strengthened. In addition to continued growth in Sweden, many customers from Denmark and Norway have been added. The growth rate outside Sweden continues to be greater than within Sweden. More and more customers are finding their way to Ongoing and have continued investing in our software service together with the company.”

Operational Milestones and Investments

Some key figures for the year include Ongoing WMS processing over 32 million orders, the addition of 8 new employees to the team, over 60% of customers utilizing scanning to minimize errors, and nearly 5,000 active integrations.

“The software ecosystem of Ongoing is one of our most important unique selling points compared to other WMS offerings”, Einarsson continues. “As we gain a larger market position in various markets, we also continue to build Europe's largest ecosystem around a warehouse system together with our customers and both existing and new partners. This, in combination with offering very competent WMS functionalities, enables us to assist companies in enhancing their logistics operations, whether they manage them in-house or through outsourced solutions.”

During the year 2023, significant investments have also been made in software development, operations, and security for Ongoing WMS. Security is and always has been a top priority for Ongoing and its service.

Recognition and Future Projections

Mentionworthy, Ongoing was awarded the DI Gasell distinction for 2023 by Dagens Industri, marking its 5th(!) win since 2008. The DI Gasell Award recognizes Sweden's most rapidly growing and profitable companies, underscoring significant business achievement within the Swedish business community and only earned by a few select hundred businesses a year. Since 2000, only 16% of the awarded companies have sustained their titles three times or more, showcasing what a remarkable achievement it is for Ongoing to maintain such an exceptional level of consistent growth and financial stability.

Going forward, Ongoing expects at least 25% growth for the year of 2024 and continues to make heavy investments in improving the service and creating value for its customers. "Ongoing has an organization and a service offering that are well-equipped to further help customers connect and simplify their logistics. In Sweden, in the Nordics, and globally. I am confident that we will continue to experience strong growth,” Einarsson concludes.

Published: 2024-05-15

Magnusson & Freij uses Ongoing WMS

Successful Implementation of Ongoing WMS at Magnusson & Freij

Magnusson & Freij AB, suppliers of consumables for homes and stores located in Mölndal, Sweden, implemented Ongoing WMS at the end of 2023. Together with ZeeU, Ongoing WMS is also integrated with Jeeves.

ZeeU recently had the chance to talk with Josef Rynmark, IT Manager at Magnusson & Freij, about how Ongoing WMS works for them, how it operates in conjunction with Jeeves, and what's next at Magnusson & Freij: "Ongoing WMS is a very valuable addition to our business. It facilitates our daily management at the warehouse by ensuring accuracy in the picking processes and gives us increased efficiency and productivity."

Rynmark continues by highlighting the user-friendliness of Ongoing: "The system makes it easy to do right and hard to do wrong. It minimizes the risk of errors and contributes to a better quality of our deliveries. The user interface is very simple and straightforward, making it easy for our employees to become efficient in its use quickly. Previously, we had a walkthrough with new employees and a training process of 3-5 days. Now, they are up and running on their own in less than an hour. Through customized reports and the statistics module, we also get valuable insights that help us improve our processes and identify bottlenecks. Moreover, we are about to integrate Ongoing with other tools and systems we use."

As previously mentioned, Ongoing WMS can also be integrated with Jeeves for a more seamless experience of the different tools. For Magnusson & Freij, this has meant a clearer insight into data and a smoother workflow. "The integration between Ongoing WMS and Jeeves has been smooth and has really contributed to improving the efficiency of our operations. It creates good interfaces where the same data is available in both systems but is presented in different ways. The integration also includes automatic data synchronization which covers, among other things, order information, customer details, and inventory levels. This means that information updated in one system is automatically available in the other," he comments.

High ratings for the delivery by ZeeU and Ongoing

"The collaboration between ZeeU and Ongoing has worked really well! Both providers have proven to be responsive and supportive in meeting our specific needs and requirements. Having access to two robust systems that complement each other has allowed us to create a more efficient and dynamic warehouse management and distribution process. ZeeU's expertise in certain areas, together with Ongoing's specialization in warehouse management, has given us a combined solution that covers all our needs. This has also facilitated scalability and flexibility in our operations. For example, we can talk to our consultants about something we want to change, and later that same day or sometimes just after a few hours, the change is in place and operational," Rynmark continues.

But it's not just the installation of Ongoing that is underway for Magnusson & Freij. Among other things, they are suppliers of consumables to events such as the Gothenburg Basketball Festival, Partille Cup, and Gothia Cup during the spring and summer of 2024. They also have a sustainability project that works to offer their customers information and products to make it easier to make the right product choices. "At Magnusson & Freij, we are always looking for new ways to engage our customers and improve their experience," Rynmark concludes.

Published: 2024-04-16

Maya Delorez uses Ongoing

Maya Delorez Navigated Galloping Growth With Ongoing WMS' Automated Processes

Maya Delorez quickly took the equestrian world by storm with its customer-focused riding wear brand. To keep pace with their success, they adopted Ongoing WMS and achieved remarkable efficiency, traceability, and error reduction improvements

Maya Delorez has carved their unique niche within the equestrian world, specializing in high-quality and practical training clothes for active riders. With designs encapsulating what riding clothes should be like, Maya Delorez has quickly become a highly popular brand among equestrians worldwide. Their product range is offered through their webshop and their warehouse is managed with the help of Ongoing WMS, a choice that has resulted in their operational efficiency taking a significant turn since implementation. Hear what Maya Törnblom, Warehouse & Logistics Manager at Maya Delorez, said about their warehouse management journey.

Challenges of Growth Required Operational Change

Founded in 2018, Maya Delorez initially embraced the all-manual order processing typical of start-ups. But as their success took off at a galloping speed, the brand faced the classic challenges of growth: manually managing inventory balances, navigating through packing slips, searching for products in the warehouse by eye, and printing shipping labels one at a time. Such tasks became increasingly time-consuming and labor-intensive, making the existing operational approach unsustainable.

Recognizing the need for a more efficient and controlled way of working, the journey towards an operational upgrade commenced. "It was the right time for us to acquire a proper system where we could have an overview of our entire warehouse and the logistics. We wanted a smooth and simple system and felt that Ongoing could meet our requirements and wishes," said Maja Törnblom.

Seamless Integration with Additional Systems

Transitioning from manual to automated processes came to be a game-changer. "We now use Ongoing WMS daily for all our warehouse management, which primarily includes packing orders, handling deliveries, returns, and inventory. We have implemented Centra and nShift, and the different systems work excellently together," Törnblom elaborated. The seamless integration to their other systems managing their operations elevated the operational capacity of Maya Delorez, marking a significant leap in their logistical capabilities from how it used to be back in their manual days.

The shift to Ongoing WMS has brought about numerous benefits, especially the centralization of information and the automation of processes. "The biggest advantage is that all our information is gathered in one place, which increases accessibility and saves time. Automation of processes reduces the risk of errors. In addition, the overall controllability to quickly identify and resolve problems as well as to make informed decisions based on real-time data," Törnblom highlighted.

Uncomplicated and Streamlined Communication

The collaboration between Maya Delorez and Ongoing has been characterized by smooth communication and efficient problem-solving. "We have experienced the collaboration as smooth with quick and efficient solutions. There are never any problems, and the communication is straightforward and clear," reflected Törnblom.

Since they adopted the WMS in 2021, Frida Eriksson has served as Maya Delorez's dedicated Customer-Responsible Software Engineer and primary point of contact. Conversely, Maja Törnblom has taken on the role of Ongoing's superuser, greatly streamlining the communication process. Eriksson shared her perspective on this dynamic: "The collaboration between me and Maja has been going very smoothly. As a superuser, she has efficiently managed all interactions with me as a developer. This means she consolidates questions and requests from the warehouse team, organizes them, and then relays them to me. Thanks to her clear and well-formulated requests, developing and implementing the necessary solutions have been straightforward."

The Evident Impact of Implementing a WMS

Maya Delorez's experience with Ongoing WMS underscores the system's key role in enhancing warehouse and logistics management. "Ongoing WMS has fantastic features that make all handling processes simpler and more efficient. In particular, our warehouse and logistics management has significantly improved with this system," Törnblom concluded.

The journey from manual processes to a streamlined, automated WMS has not only optimized their operations but has also shown how modern e-commerce businesses can scale and thrive with the right tools at hand.

Published: 2024-04-03

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Logpart Elevate Customer Value with Ongoing WMS in Third-Party Logistics

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DB Schenker Sweden now directly integrated with Ongoing WMS

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Minicars Take Lead in Radio-Controlled Hobby Distribution with Ongoing WMS

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Successful Implementation of Ongoing WMS at Magnusson & Freij

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Maya Delorez Navigated Galloping Growth With Ongoing WMS' Automated Processes

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2021-11-24Read full article

Prime Penguin and Ongoing Warehouse partner up to deliver market-leading logistics for in-house warehousing

The seamless integration between Prime Penguin and Ongoing WMS simplifies ecommerce logistics by creating visibility and control in the warehouse operation. 

2021-06-03Read full article

Blue Robot integrates with Ongoing WMS

The Norwegian automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) Blue Robot integrate with Ongoing WMS, using the Ongoing Automation API.

2021-05-06Read full article

Partnership between Ongoing Warehouse and yayloh return management platform

With Ongoing WMS combined with yayloh return management platform, EYTYS creates a fuss-free return journey for everyone involved

2021-05-05Read full article

Scandinavian Cosmetics consolidates their logistics with Ongoing WMS

Scandinavian Cosmetics increases efficiency using Ongoing WMS and consolidates their logistics to Sweden, where the software service is used.

2021-04-26Read full article

2021 - a record year in all aspects

The annual report for 2021 is completed and we are proud to have increased both revenues and profit margins for 14 consecutive years!

2021-03-10Read full article

Ecommerce success Spares Nordic teams up with Ongoing WMS

Spares Nordic, who runs and, selects Ongoing WMS as warehouse management system. 

2021-03-10Read full article

GN Logistics grows with Ongoing WMS

GN Logistics is a 3PL provider and subsidiary to GN Transport. They have been using Ongoing WMS for many years in all their three warehouses located in Halmstad, Stockholm and Luxemburg.    

2021-02-19Read full article

Beyond Nordic gains control over their warehouse operations using Ongoing WMS

Outdoor clothing brand Beyond Nordic gathers control over their warehouse operations and reduces administrative work with Ongoing WMS.

2021-01-25Read full article

Kitch´n extends its collaboration with Ongoing WMS

“With Ongoing WMS, we stand well suited for further expansion in Sweden”, Says Petter Grålumstuen, IT & Logistics manager at Kitch´n.  

2020-11-30Read full article

Integration between Ongoing WMS and e-motions

Logistics automation company e-motions has recently made an integration towards Ongoing WMS.

Errors are eliminated, and our transportation costs decline since we are able to accurately verify and match package volume metrics to freight invoices”, Says Gustav Jebsen, CEO at 360 Logistics, a Norwegian logistics provider that is using the system combination.   

2020-11-11Read full article

Integration between Ongoing WMS and VersaFleet TMS

Ongoing WMS integrates with Asia’s leading Transport Management Software (TMS) VersaFleet. Both solutions are complementary to each other and the integration between Ongoing WMS & VersaFleet TMS results in a complete end-to-end logistics management solution. The first company to use this integration is a Malaysian cold chain transporter & 3PL, Frostbyte Logistics.

2020-11-04Read full article

Shift Electric Mobility AB streamlines their warehouse operations with Ongoing WMS

New customer Shift Electric Mobility AB (Shift) starts using Ongoing WMS. “The implementation was quick and smooth”.

2020-10-26Read full article

Online store Dear Sam selects Ongoing WMS to manage their warehouse operations effectively

Readymade integrations and public API’s make it possible to quickly integrate with Ongoing WMS.

2020-10-21Read full article increases warehouse efficiency with Ongoing WMS

Fast-growing Norwegian online shop starts using Ongoing WMS to increase warehouse efficiency.

2020-10-06Read full article

Medical supplier Medea Medical selects Ongoing WMS

Medea Medical (Medea) starts using Ongoing WMS to streamline their warehouse- and logistics operations.

2020-10-01Read full article

Danish ERP Tracezilla integrates with Ongoing WMS

Tracezilla, Danish ERP-system for food companies integrates with Ongoing WMS. The integration makes the warehouse operations more effective and traceable when outsourcing to a 3PL, as well as when choosing to handle your own warehousing.

2020-09-24Read full article

Online store selects Ongoing WMS

Fast growing Swedish health online store Greatlife Group AB utilizes Ongoing WMS to optimize their new warehouse operations. The WMS is used to secure fast and accurate deliveries to Greatlife-customers, both B2C and B2B. Seamless integrations were an important factor for the online business when choosing WMS.

2020-09-16Read full article

Indian 3PL-company Shipcenter selects Ongoing WMS as Warehouse Management System

Ongoing Warehouse signs with first Indian customer Shipcenter, a newly started logistics provider.

2020-09-01Read full article

Ongoing Warehouse selected as Direct House WMS supplier

Norwegian logistics provider Direct House selects Ongoing WMS as new warehouse management system for their 4500 m2 warehouse.

2020-08-21Read full article

Finest Foods Germany chooses Ongoing WMS as WMS supplier

Finest Foods Germany starts working with web-based Ongoing WMS, the systems great range of functions and integrations make an accurate and efficient warehouse management.  

2020-08-07Read full article

Envirozone chooses Ongoing Warehouse as WMS provider

Fast growing Envirozone starts working with Ongoing WMS. The system plays an important role in Envirozones work on continuing improving its logistic services.

2020-07-23Read full article

Online retailer Stonehillparts chooses Ongoing WMS as WMS supplier

Fast growing online retailer Stonehillparts uses Ongoing WMS to increase warehouse efficiency.

2020-07-14Read full article

Scandinavian logistic giant Tempcon selects Ongoing Warehouse as WMS-supplier

Klimat-Transport & Logistik AB is a part of Tempcon Group which is one of the Scandinavian market leaders in 3PL and transport of temperate goods. They were looking for a new, modern warehouse management system and became happy to find Ongoing WMS.

2020-07-02Read full article

The jacket brand Didriksons uses Ongoing WMS to increase warehouse efficiency for their logistics

Fast-growing Didriksons have witnessed increased warehouse efficiency when changing warehouse management systems to Ongoing WMS.

2020-06-30Read full article

Dairy producer Arla Foods Sweden chooses Ongoing Warehouse as WMS provider

Arla Foods Sweden decided to manage their warehouse operation of commercial goods by themselves instead of outsourcing. Ongoing WMS was the warehouse management system best suited for them. 

2020-06-24Read full article

Sharespine creates integration towards Ongoing Warehouse

Sharespine has a specific integration that connects Ongoing Warehouse with e-commerce systems, marketplaces, ERP systems and POS. The integration automates order- product- and warehouse flows, regardless of if your products are sold in a single webshop or on multiple marketplaces.

2020-06-24Read full article

Fast growing online retailers selects Ongoing WMS as their warehouse management system

The E-commerce industry is rapidly burgeoning. As a result, web shops need to focus in an efficient warehouse operation. Ongoing Warehouse, who with their cloud-based WMS has been dominating the 3PL-market, now offers their system to e-commerce retailers.

2020-06-22Read full article

Finnish marketplace Suppilog introduces sharing economy in logistics

“In Ongoing Warehouse, the main benefits were world-class WMS SaaS-software technology, the already existing logistics customers in Finland and the sole fact that the company was from the Nordics and not from other continents far away. To be able to communicate fast and personally enables a service level that the global service providers in other time zones can't easily offer”, says Harri Eskelin, CEO Supplilog Oy.

2020-01-08Read full article

Danish logistics Gazelle YOYO Global Freight chooses Ongoing as WMS provider

YOYO Global Freight, one of Denmark's top companies in freight and logistics, has recently started using Ongoing Warehouse as their warehouse management system. "Ongoing made it easy for us to choose a WMS provider, the system had what we were looking for”, says Christian Bøgelund Ditlevsen, Corporate Development Manager at YOYO Global Freight.

2019-11-01Read full article

Logisticompany AB uses Ongoing WMS to streamline health care logistics

Logisticompany AB is an independent alternative for transport in Helsingborg, Sweden, who also offers 3PL services. When one of their customers, trading medical and pharmaceutical products, wanted to expand their contract, Logisticompany AB decided to implement the customer in their new warehouse management system, Ongoing WMS.

2019-10-03Read full article

Automating using SaaS WMS

When M3 Logistics wanted to use their warehouse more efficiently and improve the ergonomics for their staff, they chose to invest in two vertical storage lifts from Kardex Remstar. The lifts were integrated with their existing warehouse management system, Ongoing WMS, using Ongoing's automation API.

2019-08-29Read full article

We're launching our new REST API to simplify integrations

To simplify for customers to integrate their own systems with the Ongoing WMS, we are now launching our new API based on REST.

2019-07-22Read full article

The benefits of using the web-based WMS Ongoing Warehouse for 3PL customers

Companies looking for a 3PL logistics provider contact Ongoing Warehouse with questions about the benefits of outsourcing their warehouse handling to a logistics company using our WMS. We have therefore summarized some pros for you in the text below.

2018-11-19Read full article

Boomerang relies on Ongoing's WMS for continued growth in the eCommerce sector!

"Boomerang has enjoyed exceptional growth since 2015 and Ongoing Warehouse has contributed to a great extent...", says Jonas Heinonen CEO Boomerang Distribution OU.

2018-11-05Read full article

We're launching our new documentation site

We've collected all our documentation and put it under one roof, available for everyone. The site contains information about how to get started with the system, how to use scanning, and much more.

2018-09-24Read full article

Norwegian Logistics Provider Accelerator strengthens its position using web-based WMS

Accelerator AS is a 100% Norwegian, owner-lead logistics provider with broad competence in the field of Third-Party Logistics (3PL). After using the WMS Ongoing Warehouse for a couple of years, the business has grown considerably.

2018-01-24Read full article

Finnish logistics provider Rahtikeskus Oy has chosen Ongoing

"Both we and our customers are very pleased with the Ongoing WMS. Ongoing is easy to use and the system is very clear and well-functioning for third party logistics", says Johannes Knapas, Sales Manager at Rahtikeskus Oy.

2017-10-19Read full article

New - Pick Order Scanning

Pick order scanning is a new feature in Ongoing Warehouse, and is used when picking multiple orders simultaneously (batch picking)

2017-05-18Read full article

RST Logistics choose Ongoing

“We are very pleased with Ongoing and that starting up the system has gone so quickly. Ongoing is easy to use and has all the functions we need to offer our clients cost-effective and optimal storage services", says Richard Sæther, CEO of RST Logistics AS.

2016-11-22Read full article

Intelligent use of WMS helps M3 Logistics to attract customers

"For us it is not enough to have an attractive location in Stockholm with modern safety facilities and skilled staff. Smart IT solutions is an important reason why our customers choose us as their logistic provider", says Robert Dawid, CEO of M3 Logistics. 

2016-09-05Read full article

Ongoing WMS helps Olsson Logistics with their international customers!

“After a thorough analysis of the market for WMS-systems we chose Ongoing Warehouse", says Mathias Olsson, CEO of Olssons Logistics. Read the Press Release. 

2016-08-15Read full article

New customers in Saudi Arabia, Italy and Lithuania!

Ongoing Warehouse increases it's global presence with new customers in Saudi Arabia, Italy and Lithuania. Growing need for a web-based WMS especially made for the 3PL-business is boosting the interest – for us - new parts of Europe and the Middle East. 

2016-05-03Read full article

Loadmaster renews itself with web-based WMS!

The Norwegian transport- and logistics company Loadmaster AS has deployed a Web-based WMS (Warehouse Management System) for its storage business. Loadmaster AS uses Ongoing Warehouse that is Scandinavia's leading WMS for 3PL. 

2016-03-02Read full article

Praise from a customer in Germany

One of our international customers, a big logistics provider in Hagen, Germany, is praising Ongoing Warehouse as a WMS for third party logistics. “We really like the system Ongoing Warehouse and are very happy with the features, services and the support", says the Head of Logistics.

2015-01-30Read full article

Ongoing Warehouse grows in Norway

More and more companies in the 3PL-sector in Norway choose Ongoing as their WMS. Read more about one of our Norwegian customers Colliflow in the Norwegian website "Logistikk og Ledelse"

2015-01-19Read full article

Ongoing Warehouse becomes a “Gazelle”

The software company Ongoing Warehouse – specialized in a web-based Warehouse Management System – has been appointed by the Swedish business paper “Dagens Industri” a Gazelle Company. The appointment “Gazelle” goes to the fastest growing companies in Sweden - companies that are masters at both profitable growth and creating new jobs

2014-10-13Read full article

"Cloud based WMS generates new business"

Ongoing Warehouse was featured in an appendix about logistics in the leading Swedish business newspaper "Dagens Industri" (the article is only available in Swedish).

2012-11-12Read full article

RPG Logistics expands its business and invests in new IT-systems

RPG Logistics AB (recently purchased by Ntex), a company providing total solutions within the logistics sector is investing in modern IT-systems to develop their business further.

2012-03-07Read full article

Selector Logistik invests in third party logistics for their E-commerce

The Company Selector Logistik, with extensive experience in logistics management within the demanding B2B marketplace, is strengthening its offering within third-party logistics directed to E-retailers.

2011-11-03Read full article

GP-Last has deployed Ongoing's WMS systems

In February, the transport and logistics company GP-Last AB commissioned a Web-based storage system, also known as a Warehouse Management System (WMS). System supplier is Ongoing Warehouse AB.

2011-11-02Read full article

IT systems for coordinated goods distribution helps reduce environmental impact

The logistics company Scandinavian Supply Chain AB, which are predominantly owned by Alwex Transport AB, has been contracted to coordinate the distribution for Växjö municipality. As IT support, a system from the company Ongoing Warehouse AB, is used.

2011-11-02Read full article

Web based warehouse system generates new business for Roxtrans AB

The logistics company Roxtrans AB has recently deployed a web-based warehouse system, also known as Warehouse Management System (WMS) by the system supplier Ongoing Warehouse AB.

2011-11-01Read full article

Veddesta Distribution AB and its subsidiary Multi Logistik AB deploys Ongoings' WMS system

Veddesta Distribution AB and its subsidiary Multi Logistics AB has started a collaboration with the IT Company Ongoing Warehouse AB. The partnership means that the two logistics companies will be using the Ongoing web-based warehouse management system (known as WMS system) to improve and develop its logistics activities in 3PL and logistics services.

2011-11-01Read full article

Flexibility was vital when Almroths chose WMS system

The growing logistics company Almroths Express & Åkeri AB chooses Ongoing Warehouse as WMS system (Warehouse Management System) to better align its logistics solutions to customers' needs.

2011-11-01Read full article